Alina Ozhegova (Norwegian School of Economics) "Assortment Choice and Market Power under Uniform Pricing" Room 15.1.39
Alina Ozhegova (Norwegian School of Economics) "Assortment Choice and Market Power under Uniform Pricing" Room 15.1.39
Jon Piqueras (University College London) "Unemployment Insurance, Inequality of Opportunity, and Labor Market Conditions" Room 15.1.39
Yassine Sbai Sassi (University of California, Berkeley) "A linear regression model for non-oriented dyadic data with interactive individual effects" Room 15.1.39
Alvaro Cox (Yale University) "From Classroom to Prosperity: Fostering Development Through Higher Education" Room 15.1.39
Philipp Grübener (Goethe University Frankfurt) "Firm Dynamics and Earnings Risk" Room 15.1.39
Luciano de Castro (University of Iowa) “Asset Pricing with Downside Risk Aversion” Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Costas Meghir (Yale) "Marriage, Labor Supply and the Dynamics of the Social Safety Net" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Francisco Poggi (University of Mannheim) “Strategic Concealment in Innovation Races” Room 15.1.39
Mariacristina De Nardi (University of Minnesota) "Why do Couples and Singles Save During Retirement? Household Heterogeneity and its Aggregate Implications" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
James Bushnell (UC Davis) "How much electricity are electric vehicles really using? Evidence from California" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39