Roberto Serrano (Brown University) "Mediated (Anti)Persuasive Communication" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Roberto Serrano (Brown University) "Mediated (Anti)Persuasive Communication" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Alejandro Vicondoa (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) "Capital Flows to Emerging Markets: Disentangling Quantities from Prices" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Damian Clarke (Universidad de Chile / University of Exeter) "Health and Labor Market Impacts of Twin Birth: Evidence from a Swedish IVF Policy" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Erik Snowberg (University of Utah) "An Organizational Theory of State Capacity" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Matthias Doepke (London School of Economics) "It Takes a Village: The Economics of Parenting with Neighborhood and Peer Effects*" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Wendun Wang (Erasmus University Rotterdam) "Recovering latent linkage structures and spillover effects with structural breaks" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Emre Ozdenoren (London Business School) "On the Fragility of DeFi Lending" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Paulo M.M. Rodrigues (Nova School of Business and Economics) "A simple but powerful tail index regression" Face-to-face Seminar - Room 15.1.39
Sandro Shelegia (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "Monetizing Steering" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39
Rik Rozendaal (Tilburg) "Strategic innovation in green and brown technologies: Speeding up or slowing down the green transition?" Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39