José Ignacio Cuesta (Stanford University) "Quality Regulation and Competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets" (joint with Juan Pablo Atal and Morten Saethre) Virtual seminar - Join the session here
José Ignacio Cuesta (Stanford University) "Quality Regulation and Competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets" (joint with Juan Pablo Atal and Morten Saethre) Virtual seminar - Join the session here
Department of Economics at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid is pleased to announce the first workshop on High-Dimensional Data Analysis, to take place Getafe Campus, on 10 September 2021. The goal of […]
Eugenia Gonzalez-Aguado (Toulouse School of Economics) "Labor mobility over the business cycle" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Edouard Schaal (CREI - UPF) "Herding through Booms and Busts" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Mónica Martínez-Bravo (CEMFI) “The Management of the Pandemic and its Effects on Trust and Accountability" (joint with Carlos Sanz) Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual […]
Antonio Penta (ICREA-UPF and BSE) "Attitudes towards Success and Failure" (joint with Larbi Alaoui) Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
William Fuchs (University Carlos III) "Time Trumps Quantity in the Market for Lemons" Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Florian Oswald (SciencesPo) "Land Use, Structural Change and Urban Expansion". Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Carmen Arguedas (Autonomous University of Madrid) “Credence Goods, Fraud and Certification” (joint work with Esther Blanco). Face-to-face seminar - Room 18.0.A13 Or join the virtual session here
Claudia Hupkau (CUNEF) “The effectiveness of an online tutoring programme on cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes in secondary school: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial”. Face-to-face seminar - Room […]