Gorkem Celik. (ESSEC). Child Custody Agreements in the Shadow of Law. Attendance confirmation.
Gorkem Celik. (ESSEC). Child Custody Agreements in the Shadow of Law. Attendance confirmation.
Almuth Scholl. (University of Konstanz). TBA. Attendance confirmation.
Carlo Galli. (UCL). Is Inflation Default? The Role of Information in Debt Crises. Abstract: We study the information sensitivity of government debt denominated in domestic vs. foreign currency: the […]
Bård Harstad. (University of Oslo). Pledge-and-Review Bargaining. Attendance confirmation.
Yuya Sasaki. (Vanderbilt University). Inference based on Kotlarski’s Identity. Attendance confirmation.
Erik Plug. (University of Amsterdam). On the family origins of human capital: Evidence from donor-conceived children. Attendance confirmation.
Maximiliano Dvorkin. ( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis). Sovereign Debt Restructurings. Attendance confirmation.
Alexander Aue. (UC Davis). TBA. Attendance confirmation.
Ayşe Özgür Pehlivan. (Bilkent University). Supply Function Competition and Exporters: Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Productivity Distributions and Marginal Costs. Attendance confirmation.
Federico Mandelman. (Atlanta FED). Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.