Gabriel Leite-Mariante (LSE) "Cash transfers and women's labour supply: evidence from the world's largest programme" Room 15.1.39
Gabriel Leite-Mariante (LSE) "Cash transfers and women's labour supply: evidence from the world's largest programme" Room 15.1.39
Kevin Remmy (U. Mannheim) "Equilibrium Effects in Complementary Markets: Electric Vehicle Adoption and Electricity Pricing" Room 15.1.39
Come Poirier (Paris Dauphine-PSL University) "Industrial policy in endogenous production networks" Room 15.1.39
Martina Pons (U. Bern) "Quantile on Quantiles" Room 15.1.39
Yimeng Zhang (U. Bonn) "Coarse Information Design" Room 15.1.39
Joanne Haddad (ECARES) "Settlers and Norms" Room 15.1.39
Gabriela Deschamps (LSE) "Motherhood and Violence" Room 15.1.39
Lorenzo Mori (U. Padova) "Fiscal Shocks and the Surge of Inflation" Room 15.1.39
Pascuel Plotkin (UBC) "Dinner at Your Door: How Delivery Platforms Affect Workers and Firms" Room 15.1.39
Chiara Gardenghi (NYU) "Bundled Loyalty Discounts in Healthcare: Evidence from Physician-Administered Vaccines" Room 15.1.39