Bewley Banks

Virtual Seminar

Tommaso Monacelli. (Universitá Bocconi).   Bewley Banks (co-authored with R. Jamilov).   Virtual seminar - Join the session through this link.

Matteo Maggiori

Virtual Seminar

Matteo Maggiori. (Stanford Graduate School of Business).   "Redrawing the Map of Global Capital Flows: The Role of Cross-Border Financing and Tax Havens" (co-authored with A. Coppola, B, Neiman, J. Schreger). […]

The Global Financial Resource Curse

Virtual Seminar

Martin Wolf (University of St. Gallen)   "The Global Financial Resource Curse" (joint with Luca Fornaro and Gianluca Benigno)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Hours and Wages

Virtual Seminar

Alexander Bick (Arizona State University)   Hours and Wages (joint with A. Blandin and R. Rogerson)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Financial frictions: macro vs micro volatility

Virtual Seminar

Morten O. Ravn (University College London)   "Financial frictions: macro vs micro volatility" (joint with Lee and Luetticke)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Fiscal Paradoxes in a Liquidity Trap

Virtual Seminar

Francisco Buera (Washington University)   "Fiscal Paradoxes in a Liquidity Trap"   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Bank-Runs, Contagion and Credit Easing

Virtual Seminar

Javier Bianchi (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)   "Bank-Runs, Contagion and Credit Easing" (joint with Manuel Amador)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Risk and the Misallocation of Human Capital

Virtual Seminar

German Cubas (University of Houston)   "Risk and the Misallocation of Human Capital" (joint with Pedro Silos and Vesa Soini)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here