Bewley Banks

Virtual Seminar

Tommaso Monacelli. (Universitá Bocconi).   Bewley Banks (co-authored with R. Jamilov).   Virtual seminar - Join the session through this link.

Matteo Maggiori

Virtual Seminar

Matteo Maggiori. (Stanford Graduate School of Business).   "Redrawing the Map of Global Capital Flows: The Role of Cross-Border Financing and Tax Havens" (co-authored with A. Coppola, B, Neiman, J. Schreger). […]

The Global Financial Resource Curse

Virtual Seminar

Martin Wolf (University of St. Gallen)   "The Global Financial Resource Curse" (joint with Luca Fornaro and Gianluca Benigno)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Hours and Wages

Virtual Seminar

Alexander Bick (Arizona State University)   Hours and Wages (joint with A. Blandin and R. Rogerson)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Financial frictions: macro vs micro volatility

Virtual Seminar

Morten O. Ravn (University College London)   "Financial frictions: macro vs micro volatility" (joint with Lee and Luetticke)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Fiscal Paradoxes in a Liquidity Trap

Virtual Seminar

Francisco Buera (Washington University)   "Fiscal Paradoxes in a Liquidity Trap"   Virtual seminar - Join the session here

Bank-Runs, Contagion and Credit Easing

Virtual Seminar

Javier Bianchi (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis)   "Bank-Runs, Contagion and Credit Easing" (joint with Manuel Amador)   Virtual seminar - Join the session here