Ricardo Mora Villarubia
Profesor Titular
Microeconometría y Economía Laboral
+34 91 624 9576 Despacho: 15.2.08
Web Personal - Currículum Vitae
Ricardo Mora es profesor titular del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España). Mora desarrolla y aplica métodos empíricos en temas relacionados mayoritariamente con la Economía Laboral. Además de sus contribuciones al estudio de los mercados de trabajo, ha publicado últimamente investigación sobre segregación, mortalidad infantil, la medición de la calidad de la atención en los hospitales, la productividad agrícola, y las diferencias salariales. Sus investigaciones han sido publicadas en revistas internacionales como el Journal of the European Economic Association, el Journal of Applied Econometrics, European Economic Review y Social Science and Research. Es doctor en Economía por la London School of Economics.
Publicaciones Destacadas
- "The Role of Mothers on Female Labour Force Participation: An approach using historical parish records", forthcoming (with Jesus Carro and Matilde P. Machado), Empirical Economics, (uc3m wp) JCR Impact Factor: 2.647 (Q2 Economics).
- “Computing decomposable multigroup indices of segregation”, 2022, (with Daniel Guinea-Martin). Stata Journal, 22, Number 3, pp. 521–556 (uc3m wp) JCR Impact Factor: 4.450 (Q1 Statistics & Probability, Q1 Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods).
- “On the use of social networking services and the ability to socialize : evidence from Chinese children aged 10 to 15”, 2022, (with Yunrong Li), Applied Economics. Online print: 54:49, 5639-5654 https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2022.2042466 (uc3m wp) 2022 JCR Impact Factor: 1.880 (Q2).
- “The evolution of gender segregation over the life course”, 2018, (with Daniel Guinea-Martin and Javier Ruiz-Castillo), American Sociological Review, 83(5):983-1019 (uc3m wp) JCR Impact Factor: 9.654 (Q1 Sociology). https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122418794503
- “Re-assessing the impact of the grandparent’s income on the infant mortality rate : an evaluation of the Old Age Allowance program in Nepal”, 2016, (with Yunrong Li), World Development, 87:333-348. (uc3m wp) JCR Impact Factor: 3.905 (Q1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2016.07.002
- "Can We Infer Hospital Quality from Medical Graduates' Residency Choices?" (with Matilde Machado and Antonio Romero-Medina), Journal of the European Economic Association, 10-6. 2012. (doi: 10.1111/j.1542-4774.2012.01087.x), JCR Impact Factor: 2.029 (Q1)
Investigación Reciente
- “Teen childbearing in Latin America: the mother-daughter link” (with M. Machado and K. Olivo)
- “The Impact of Educational Choices on Labor Segregation by Gender Over the Life Course” (with D. Guinea-Martin)
- “Ethnic vs. socioeconomic segregation in schools” (with D. Guinea-Martin and Julio Rojas-Mora)
- “The Complementarity of children and Grandparents” (with Yunrong Li)
- “A Kullback-Leibler Measure of Conditional Segregation”. (uc3m wp)
- "An Implementation of CART in Stata"
- Quantitative Microeconomics (undergraduate) Bachelor's short thesis (undergraduate)
- Microeconometrics (MADE)
- Cohesion Policies and Long-Term Growth (MEDEG)
- Impact Evaluation in Sustainability (MASUS)
- Introduction to impact evaluation in sustainability (MASUS)