Jonas Radl
Estratificación social, familia, educación y ciclo vital
+34 91 624 9675 Despacho: 18.2.A.08
Web Personal - Currículum Vitae - Investigación y Publicaciones
Publicaciones destacadas
Salazar, Leire, Héctor Cebolla-Boado & Jonas Radl (2019): “Educational Expectations in the Great Recession: Has the Impact of Family Background Become Stronger?”,Published online on 9 January 2019, Socio-Economic Review. https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwy046 (*).
Henkens, Kène; Harry van Dalen; David Ekerdt; Douglas Hershey; Martin Hyde; Jonas Radl; Hanna van Solinge; Mo Wang; Hannes Zacher (2018): “What We Need to Know about Retirement: Pressing Issues for the Coming Decade”. The Gerontologist, 58(5): 805–812. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnx095. (*)
Bernardi, Fabrizio & Jonas Radl (2014): “The Long-Term Consequences of Parental Divorce for Children’s Educational Attainment”. Demographic Research, 30(Article 61): 1653–1680.
Radl, Jonas (2013): “Labour Market Exit and Social Stratification in Western Europe: The Effects of Social Class and Gender on the Timing of Retirement”. European Sociological Review, 29(3): 654-668.
Radl, Jonas (2012): “Too Old to Work, or Too Young to Retire? The Pervasiveness of Age Norms in Western Europe”. Work, Employment & Society, 26(5): 755–771