Felix Wellschmied
Profesor Titular (Ramón y Cajal Inv) y Director del Master en Economía
+34 91 624 9667 Despacho: 15.2.33
Web Personal - Currículum Vitae - Investigación y Publicaciones
Felix Wellschmied es doctor en economía por la Universidad de Bonn y profesor titular en el departamento de economía de la Universidad Carlos III.
Publicaciones Destacadas
Tjaden, V., and Wellschmied, F. "Quantifying the Contribution of Search to Wage Inequality" American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2014
Investigación Reciente
Wellschmied, F. "The Adverse Effects of Asset Means-Testing Income Support".
Bachmann, R., Bayer, C., Merkl, C., Seth, S., Stüber, H., and Wellschmied, F. "Worker Churn and Employment Growth at the Establishment Level".
Mecikovsky, A., and Wellschmied, F. "Wage Risk, Employment Risk and the Rise in Wage Inequality".
Sánchez, M., and Wellschmied, F. "Modelling Life-Cycle Earnings Risk with Positive and Negative Shocks".
Macroeconomics I (Grado) Macroeconomics III (Post-Grado)