Phd Students Workshop


    Phd Students Workshop.   Attendance confirmation

Healthy Dietary Choices in Distorted Food Environments

    Roberto Pancrazi. (University of Warwick). Healthy Dietary Choices in Distorted Food Environments.   We analyze how distortions in the food market limit the achievement of a healthy diet. Using Nielsen data we document a novel pattern on the relationship between healthy diet and income. We then build and estimate a tractable general equilibrium model in […]


    Aniko Oery. (Yale School of Management).  Crowdfunding. Attendance confirmation.

  Mateusz Mysliwski. (NHH). Implications of Consumer Loyalty for Price Dynamics when Price Adjustment is Costly. Abstract: We study the implications of consumer switching costs on prices when price adjustments are costly. Existing theoretical and empirical works on consumer switching costs assume firms can change prices freely without any supply side frictions. We develop a […]