Doctor Honoris Causa to Ehud Kalai

Aula Magna - Rectorado

Ehud Kalai (Kellogg School of Management)   The Rector of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Juan Romo, invites you to attend the Solemn Act in which the degree Doctor Honoris Causa will be awarded to Ehud Kailai.   Ehud Kalai is a prominent American game theorist and mathematical economist known for his contributions to game theory and […]

Endogenous Kink Threshold Regression


Thanasis Stengos (University of Guelph)   "Endogenous Kink Threshold Regression"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39

Unpacking Overconfident Behavior


Han Bleichrodt (University of Alicante)   "Unpacking Overconfident Behavior"   Face-to-face seminar - Room 15.1.39