Anna Houstecka. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Unemployment Insurance and Occupational Switching. Abstract: "In this paper, I study the relationship between unemployment benefits and occupational switching. Using US data, I document two new facts. First, unemployed individuals who are eligible to higher unemployment benefits are less likely to switch occupation. Second, I show that conditional on […]

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

    Chiara Margaria. (Boston University). Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.  Abstract: Motivated by the study of household dynamics, we analyze a stochastic partnership model with a view to determining how the mean duration of the partnership depends on the distribution of the partners' monetary earnings. Every period, the partners' preferences for each other are […]

Fiscal rules as Bargaining Chips

    Alessandro Riboni. (Ecole Polytechnique). Fiscal rules as Bargaining Chips. Attendance confirmation.

  Andreas Gulyas. (University of Mannheim). Understanding the Sources of Earnings Losses After Job Displacement: A Machine-Learning Approach. Abstract: We document the sources behind earnings losses after job displacement adapting the generalized random forest due to Athey et al. (2019). Using administrative data from Austria over three decades, we show that displaced workers face large […]