Federico Mandelman. (Atlanta FED). Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.
Federico Mandelman. (Atlanta FED). Intellectual Property, Tariffs, and International Trade Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.
Natalia Fabra. (UC3M). Auctions with unknown capacities: understanding competition among renewables. Attendance confirmation.
Andrés Rodríguez-Clare. (University of California, Berkeley). The Textbook Case for Industrial Policy: Theory Meets Data. Attendance confirmation.
Alexander Aue. (UC Davis). Detecting deviations from stationarity of functional time series. Abstract: The advent of complex data has led to increased research in virtually all areas of statistics, including functional data analysis (FDA). Within the purview of FDA, the use of methods for serially correlated functions is often prudent. As for simpler […]
Yan Chen. (University of Michigan). Motivating Contributions to Public Information Goods: A Personalized Field Experiment on Wikipedia. Attendance confirmation.
Gabriel Ulyssea. (University of Oxford). Formal and Informal Firm Dynamics. Attendance confirmation.
Magne Mogstad. (University of Chicago). Imperfect Competition, Compensating Differentials and Rent Sharing in the U.S. Labor Market. Abstract: The primary goal of our paper is to quantify the importance of imperfect competition in the U.S. labor market by estimating the size of rents earned by American firms and workers from ongoing employment relationships. To this […]
Heski Bar-Isaac. (University of Toronto). Blockholder Voting. Attendance confirmation.
Ivan Fernandez-Val. (Boston University). Distribution Regression with Sample Selection, with an Application to Wage Decompositions in the UK. Attendance confirmation.
20th CEPR Conference and CEPR/JIE School on Applied Industrial Organisation 13-15 June 2019.