Does Economics Make You Sexist?

    Daniele Paserman. (Boston University).   Does Economics Make You Sexist?.   Attendance confirmation.

  Marica Valente. (DIW Berlin).   Changing the incentive to pollute: Heterogeneous effects of waste pricing policies. Abstract The externalities of household waste generation and treatment can be internalized with policies pricing unsorted waste disposal known as Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT). To internalize pollution externalities of municipal waste, Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) pricing of unsorted waste are adopted worldwide. […]

  Mateusz Mysliwski. (NHH). Implications of Consumer Loyalty for Price Dynamics when Price Adjustment is Costly. Abstract: We study the implications of consumer switching costs on prices when price adjustments are costly. Existing theoretical and empirical works on consumer switching costs assume firms can change prices freely without any supply side frictions. We develop a […]