Karl Schlag. (Universität Wien) "How to Play Out of Equilibrium: Beating the Play". Attendance confirmation.
Karl Schlag. (Universität Wien) "How to Play Out of Equilibrium: Beating the Play". Attendance confirmation.
Inés Moreno de Barreda. (University of Oxford). Effective Signal-Jamming. Attendance confirmation.
Gaston Illanes. (Northwestern University). Competition, Asymmetric Information, and the Annuity Puzzle: Evidence from a Government-run Exchange in Chile. Attendance confirmation.
Emanuele Tarantino. (University of Mannheim). Learning When to Quit: An Empirical Model of Experimentation. Attendance confirmation.
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. (University of Princeton). Learning from Coworkers. Attendance confirmation.
Trond Olsen. (NHH). Relational contracting, negotiations and external enforcement. Attendance confirmation.
Joyee Deb. (Yale SOM). TBA. Attendance confirmation.
Christoph Wolf. (Bocconi University). Informative Milestones in Experimentation. Attendance confirmation.
Alessandro Gavaza. (London School of Economics). Regulatory Intervention in Consumer Search Markets: The Case of Credit Cards. Attendance confirmation.
Joyee Deb. (Yale School of Management). Gambling over Public Opinion. Attendance confirmation.