Eduardo Morales. (Princeton University). A Revealed-Preference Approach to Measuring Information Frictions in Migration Decisions. Abstract "Labor demand shocks differ widely across regions within countries. Yet, migration patterns often do not respond to these regional shocks. Are workers’ limited migration responses due to lack of information about the potential net gains from regional migration? […]

Stress, Incentives, and Autonomy

Virtual Seminar

Elena Shvartsman. (WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management).   Stress, Incentives, and Autonomy.   Virtual seminar - Enter the session through this link.

Matteo Sandi

Virtual Seminar

Matteo Sandi. (London School of Economics and Political Science).   School Indiscipline and Crime.   Virtual seminar - Enter the session through this link.

Valuing personal safety and the gender earnings gap

Virtual Seminar

José Alberto Guerra. (Universidad de los Andes).   Valuing personal safety and the gender earnings gap (with Óscar Becerra).   Virtual seminar - Join the session through this link.