Jan Stuhler

Investigador Ramón y Cajal
Microeconomía aplicada y Economía del trabajo
+34 91 624 9678 Despacho: 15.2.05
Web Personal - Currículum Vitae


Jan Stuhler es catedrático del Departamento de Economía en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Antes de unirse a la  UC3M completó su doctorado en la University College London en 2014.  Realizó sus estudios de grado en University of Bonn y visitó la UC Berkeley.

Publicaciones Destacadas

Braun, S., and Stuhler, J. "The Transmission of Inequality Across Multiple Generations: Testing Recent Theories with Evidence from Germany". Economic Journal. 2018

Nybom, M., and Stuhler, J. "Biases in Standard Measures of Intergenerational Income Dependence". Journal of Human Resources, 2017.

Dustmann, C., Schönberg, U., and Stuhler, J. "Labor Supply Shocks, Native Wages, and the Adjustment of Local Employment". Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2017

Dustmann, C., Schönberg, U., and Stuhler, J. "The Impact of Immigration: Why Do Studies Reach Such Different Results". Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2016

 Nybom, M., and Stuhler, J. "Heterogeneous Income Profiles and Life-Cycle Bias in Intergenerational Mobility Estimation". Journal of Human Resources, 2016

Investigación Reciente

Nybom, M., and Stuhler, J. "Interpreting Trends in Intergenerational Mobility". Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Political Economy


Policy Evaluation PhD Reading Group in Applied Economics